Archive for October 2013

Heaven – The Throne Room   Leave a comment

The spectacle was dizzying.   Every angel and spirit-being in Heaven seemed to have gathered in the Throne Room.  They were banked in layers encircling the throne, spiralling upward and back down again.   There were multitudes in many different shapes, sizes and forms.  There were angels in white robes with white wings.   Some had human looking faces and bodies.  Others were indescribable, terrifying yet beautiful.  There were lights and bird-like creatures and flaming  seraphim elevated above them all.  They were all worshipping with music and singing, voices and sounds, lights, vapor trails and fiery trails that made patterns like fireworks in the air.

Suddenly the music and the atmosphere changed.   Now it conveyed an awesome and fearful reverence, enthroning the Father in a smoky cloud of glory. (see footnote #1)  Radiating outward from Him was an emerald rainbow.  (Rev.4:3)  It was not just one, but a thousand hues of green.   Each shade dispersed into its own prism light creating countless rainbows within the principal one.

Fanning out in a semi-circle before the throne stood seven pillars of fire.  These represent the 7 Spirits of God.  (see footnote #2)  At times they shot upward as they mingled with smoke and thunder and the echoing voices of the living creatures.  (Rev.4:5a)

There is no earthly language to convey such fearful wonder.   All that dwelt here was the pure light of His character.  Holiness, love, righteousness, justice, peace, strength, mercy – these were making up the molecules of the air, swirling about and intertwining like the very DNA of the Father.

There in the deep ecstasy of His fiery presence our one desire is only to be consumed by His holy fire until all that hinders love is burned away and we are conformed into His likeness. (1 Cor.3:11-15, Heb.12:29, Rom.8:29, 1 Jn. 3:2 )

ft. #1 – Exod.19:9, Deut.4:11 and Ps.18:9 all refer to God dwelling or manifesting Himself in a dark cloud or thick darkness to the Israelites on Mt. Sinai.  “The dark cloud that surrounds God is actually the dense oil of the Spirit, a great good, a visible sign of the magnitude of the anointing, incomprehensible to mankind and therefore seemingly dark.”  (quoted from Anna Rountree, Heaven Awaits the Bride)

ft.#2 – The Amplified Bible refers to this as the “seven-fold Holy Spirit”, Rev.4:5b, Isa.11:2

Heaven – Testimonies of Others – part 2   1 comment

Many people living today have had the privilege of seeing into Heaven just as many of the Saints in the Bible did.   I have been sharing testimonies from some of these people regarding what they have seen and experienced.

Another of my favorite authors is Anna Rountree.   She is a current voice who has experienced powerful prophetic encounters, many of which took place in Heavenly realms.   Here is a description of the throne room of God from her book Heaven Awaits the Bride.

“The throne room was brilliant with light.   The surface on which the redeemed were dancing was a pavement of light that looked like a translucent blue.   [On] this expansive “sea” was a dazzling white light, in the center of which was the throne of God.

A great yearning welled up within me and a whisper involuntarily escaped:  “Daddy.”   His presence drew me with cords of love.   (The angel with me) looked down at me and smiled.

The Father’s being is manifested by light of an indescribable whiteness.   His uncreated glory radiates outward in all directions to form a great sphere of awesome colors.   Like a bow whose hues blend from white to yellow, to gold, to the Shekinah reddish-gold, and on through the color spectrum of reds, purples, blues and ending with green.

Transfixed, I was lost in the wonder of Him.   The angel touched my shoulder and said, ‘Come with me’.   We began to pass through those worshipping, sometimes ducking beneath a dancer’s arm as we made our way toward the throne area.

The light into which we were entering began to intensify, as well as the sense of power.   As we moved nearer to the throne, the radiance looked more like the waves of light in the aurora borealis when it forms an arc of lights across the sky.   The blazing light was not blinding as would be the earth’s sun if you gazed at it.   One could experience, feel and even look at this light.

Thousands of angels were circling above the throne area and thousands more seemed to be arriving to join them.   Countless numbers of angels were already within the bow of the corona around the throne.  They were making musical sounds by flying at different levels and speeds and patterns.   The tones that their flight made were different from singing or the playing of instruments.   At times some would fly together, producing a different tone.

The melodies, like the light in the throne room , went right through me.   The music of praise entered me and passed through me and I became one with the sound.   The angel spoke to me.   “The harmony, the unity and the desire of those here to give to the Father His due – constantly giving of themselves and receiving more of Him when they praise and adore – bring forth a sweet music.”

I became more aware of the pleasant fragrance around the throne area and of the interwovennes of sound and color and smell.   These cannot be woven together on earth the way they are blended here in Heaven.   We below can experience them simultaneously, but above they seem to have the same properties.   It is more like water being poured into water.   So it is here with sound, light and fragrance.   It seems strange to see sound, hear color, and for smell to have a tangible quality to it.   Yet in heaven it all seems natural and right and even obvious.”

The One on the throne is the center of it all.  Everything proceeds from Him.  He holds it all together.  And everything returns to Him who alone is worthy.