Intimacy with the Lord – Falling in love with Jesus   26 comments

The ocean waves crashed against the rocky pier as I walked the wind swept beach. desperately crying out to the Lord for solutions to my problems, answers to my life … something … anything.

“Please,” I finally said in exhaustion, “Let’s just make this simple.  Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.  Tell me what to pray, how to feel, how to react and I’ll just obey You.  I can do that.”

There was a long uncomfortable silence as He waited for me to think about what I had just said.  Finally, I could hear the hurt in His voice as He quietly responded.

“That sounds rather like a master/servant relationship doesn’t it?  I say to My servant, “Do this” and he does it. (Mt. 8:9)  That’s not quite what I’m looking for from you.  You are My bride and I’m in love with you.  I want to bring you up here with Me to let you see through My eyes and hear through My ears.  I want to take you into the Father’s heart and show you how We feel.  It’s an intimate relationship I desire, My love.”

Immediately I repented for being so insensitive.  I was looking at things from the wrong perspective again.  Taking me in His arms now He spoke tenderly to me once again.

“If you need a job description it is to be My bride.  That’s it.  That’s all.”

There is a love so deep, so strong, so powerful that absolutely nothing can ever stop it.  It comes from the One who is love itself.  You were made for this.  He created you as the final object of His love.  And this is not a gender issue.  Whether male or female, every Believer is being invited into an eternal love relationship that far exceeds our wildest hopes and dreams.

Falling deeply and completely in love with Jesus solves many other issues and simplifies everything else.  He keeps drawing me back to this one thing – intimacy with Him.  He is the goal … not power or ministry gifts or even ministry itself.  Of course He has work for us to do but fruitfulness will naturally flow out of intimacy.  We do not choose to spend time with Him so that we can get power or revelation or have our needs met or get instructions.  We spend time with Him because we are so in love with Him that we long to be near Him.  We do not seek Him for secondary rewards…they are a poor substitute.  He is the reward.  All of these things are a part of Him but we are given all of Him.

How does one fall in love?   We are often initially attracted to another person physically.  Then the more we find out about them and get to know them, the more we like them.  As we share things back and forth we begin to see their hearts, their motives, their desires.  We begin to be more comfortable and trusting with them.  Soon, the more we are with them, the more we want to be with them.  The relationship begins to grow stronger.

It is like this with Jesus as well.  The real Jesus is more attractive than the most powerful magnet or the pull of gravity.  All it takes is one encounter in His presence and you can never be satisfied with anything less again.             The more you fall in love with Him, the more the pull of this realm’s gravity will lose it’s hold on you and the pull of His love will draw you away into His heart.

The Apostle Paul often described our relationship with Jesus in terms of a marriage.  II Cor. 11:2 says that we are betrothed to Christ (engaged to Him) and destined to become His bride.  I believe the reason for this terminology is that as humans we need a grid of understanding to help us.  The love between a man and a woman is one of the highest bonds in the earthly physical realm.  While this kind of love and family are given to us as gifts for this life, it is only a shadow of things to come in eternity.

In actuality, the relationship between us and the Lord goes so far beyond any earthly physical love that everything else pales in comparison.  It is deeper than … higher than … and completely other than.  There is no gender issue and it is not a physical relationship but, as Paul describes in 1 Cor. 6:15-17 by comparison, it is an intimate and powerful joining or bonding of our spirits with His Spirit.

But He will never force the issue.  This is the ultimate love affair and He waits for us to respond to Him.  “There is no fear in love” for He will never overstep His own holiness or the free will He has given to us.  As we keep taking baby steps closer to Him we will learn to allow His perfect love to cast out our fear. (1 John 4:18)  The more you get to know Him, the more you will love Him and the more you love Him, the more you will be able to trust Him.  It’s hard to completely trust someone you don’t know well.  And it’s difficult to fully love someone you don’t trust.  Love and trust are intertwined and He is the One most worthy of both.

This isn’t complicated.  He is inviting you to dinner. (Rev. 3:20)  Just open the door and say “yes”!


26 responses to “Intimacy with the Lord – Falling in love with Jesus

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  1. thank you so much…I found this beautiful and relevant in my life right now it made me cry, tears of joy…blessings to you, sheila

  2. While preparing tonight’s dinner, the Holy Spirit brought to my attention an old hymn song; “yes” yes..yes. No earthly words can begin to describe thee adjulation of unspeakable joy that brought tears trickling down.

    It is with great joy that my heart, mind and soul says yes to HIS WILL. Soon after, I had a conversation w/a dear sister and expounded about our earthly marriages vs. Christ and his BRIDE. So, to read your article today bore witness to the testimony to the word of God.

    God’s richest blessing-

  3. Beautiful, now i really want to know Jesus, thank you.

  4. I LOVE this! It was absolutely what I needed to hear at this time. God bless you!

  5. Beautiful! Your words really impacted greatly my desire and wish to get to know my Father better… developing a deep bond, enduring love and fellowship with Him.

  6. This is beautiful. It helps me to get an understanding of what kind of relationship I want with God. I am blessed by this “intimacy with the Lord”

  7. I just want to say, thank you. Today, was the first time in my entire life that I experienced what His love is like, I am sorry though because there is nothing that I can compare it to. I could feel the love coming out of my mouth while I was speaking. Yes, we ought to love Jesus not because of what He can do for us. I wish I could write more but words is not enough. Be blessed in Jesus Name.

  8. Amazing writing, i wanna love jesus

  9. This was absolutely beautiful and I can’t even begin to thank you for writing these wonderful words down for others to read. This was definitely an answer to my prayers.

  10. Powerful.thank you. You have no idea how this has helped me this day…..thank you angel.whoever you are .amen

  11. This is so good. Can I reblog it?

  12. Thank you so very much for this article. This literally brought tears when I think of GOD’s love for us & the writing is simply impeccable.

    I’m so sorry in my spirit when I think of how I grieved the LORD by thinking from a man’s perspective. HIS love is true & I’m longing for more of it every single second. To HIM be all the glory!

  13. Wow!

  14. You posted this on one of my relationship anniversaries with Jesus. Thank you. God bless.

  15. His love is perfect, become one with Him in the spirit in deep intermacy.Draw closer to Him and He draw closer to you. He is the first Love of my life.Iam really blessed about this words of love you have written.

  16. Amen and Amen! I’m having the same timely message from the LORD. Glory to GOD! ❤

  17. Indeed one should run for that invitation he is the true friend the who love you the most
    True friend is the one who lay his life for one friend

  18. I loved what you wrote that you yourself experienced in your life. It was a joy to read and the truth of what you spoke resonated in my heart. Actually, I was just looking on my I phone about falling deeper and deeper so in love with Jesus and your website and article came up. We speak of our own experiences that God has done in our lives, and as I read yours, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have been a Christian now for 38 years and Jesus is my first and greatest love. I want our deep loving relationship to never change until I take my last breath on earth…and I am in His presence eternally, loving and worshipping the One who so loved me and gave Himself for me. There’s just no greater love than His love, and He keeps on loving us just for ourselves. I tell Him over and over again how much I love Him, because it is true! Nobody has ever loved me like Jesus…When my children were small and my daughter would hug me and tell me she loved me, it meant so much to me. How much joy do you think it is to Our Heavenly Father when we lift our hands and tell Him how much we love Him, just for Himself? My only regret is that I didn’t come to receive Christ until I was 36 years old. I love my deep intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ so much that I read the Bible all the time, talk to Him and think about Him and want a close walk with My Lord as I desire to abide in His love, continually. There is no better life than this,- the more excellent way. God bless you. His love so satisfied my life like nothing else.

  19. Sister, my heart witnesses with your heart! My desire is always being drawn towards Jesus! Thanks for describing this amazing love relationship.

  20. Wow. What a beautiful exchange you had with Jesus. I’m seeking this very relationship with Him at this point in my growth. I’m excited for what HE will unfold. This writing, your testimony is beautiful to read. Thank you for sharing this with us. Shaloam

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