I Will Not Forget   4 comments

The rain had finally ended and the sun was shining.  The woodland behind the house was a dozen shades of green and the trees were still dripping as I crossed the bridge.  I had spent so much time here with Jesus that stepping onto the path brought a tangible sense of His Presence. I expected Him to meet me here.

Soon the awareness of Him was so strong that I could smell His fragrance.  When I rounded the bend in the path, there He was, sitting on that same magnificent white stallion that I’d ridden with Him before.  His dark hair was slightly tousled by the breeze but it still radiated as always with what looked like living sparkling lights from within. I have come to understand this as the oil of anointing.

He was dressed all in white, from the shirt left casually open at the neck, to the white pants tucked into the softest, white leather boots which folded down into high cuffs just below the knee.  Under His left arm was a small, white leather pouch or satchel that hung from a long strap going across His chest, over His right shoulder and down across His back.  I wondered what that might be.  The spicy sandalwood scent of His own fragrance mingled with the smells of leather and of the horse and the damp earth.

He seemed so completely at home and comfortable in the midst of the natural realm He had created.  He sat for a long moment just gazing on me with so much love.  Then He casually jumped down from the horse and came to meet me.  Time stood still once again as we walked together there in the green woods of this earthly realm.

Several months later, on Remembrance Day, I was reading my old journals and pondering this experience again. When I came to the description of His clothes and the leather satchel or pouch, He stopped me.  It had been an item I didn’t understand but I hadn’t questioned it at the time. Now He said,

“Shall I tell you what that is?”

“Yes Lord,” I replied.

His voice became very serious as He continued softly.

“That bag is filled with My promises to you.”

His words shocked me and cut deeply into my heart.  I had received so many prophetic words and promises over the years which were still unfulfilled, that by now I had a bad case of hope deferred. (Prov.13:12)   This was so deeply entrenched that when another word came, I could only remember all of those still pending and I began to say,
“Oh, just put it in the bag with all the others.”

There was no condemnation in His eyes as they searched my own. There was only deep, wounded love. Slowly now He continued.

“Every prophecy and every promise I have made to you, past, present and future, is in that bag and I will fulfill every word I have spoken. They are so precious to Me that I keep them there under my arm, close to My heart. I will not forget.”


[ In the next post we will return to the subject of prophetic intercession. But I felt the Lord nudging me to share this now since tomorrow, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day.]

4 responses to “I Will Not Forget

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  1. When you say Rememberance Day, to you what do mean by? Of all He has promised, now coming is what I felt in my spirit?

    • Remembrance Day, Nov. 11 is the day World War I ended. It is recognized by the U.S., Commonwealth countries and several other countries where it is sometimes called by a different name or even celebrated on a different day. All of us are remembering the same thing – we honor those who died to defend our freedom. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. Since it is recognized in so many countries I guess I felt it didn’t need explanation. But the Lord chose that day to remind me that He remembers all the promises He has made to me.

  2. This meant a lot to me. A lot!!! I blog about words He has spoken to me but have never included the promises because like you, they are too painful to bring up. Jesus is so gentle indeed. This vision or dream you had could have been like for me. I loved it so much. I recognize Him.

  3. I love Him, my Messiah. Indeed He will never forget His promises to us. Beautiful He is, beyond description and compare. How I love You Jesus.

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